Below are a few ways to make a recurring meeting with Microsoft Teams:

Option 1: This option requires entering each student/user email address or using a group/list email address (if you have several students, this in not ideal, you would likely want to use one of the other options)

  1. Open your Desktop version of Outlook and switch to the calendar view

  2. Select New Teams Meeting at the top of the view

  3. Note: Even if you begin by selecting New Meeting or New Appointment, you can make it a Teams meeting by selecting Teams Meeting at the top of the new event form

  4. Add your invitees to the Required or Optional field(s) - you can even invite entire contact groups (formerly known as distribution lists)

  5. Add your meeting subject, location (if applicable), start time, and end time

  6. Create your message

  7. Select Send

Option 2: modified version of Option 1 - Create a meeting link but just add yourself to the To: field and copy the meeting link to send on BU Info Query

  1. Open your Desktop version of Outlook and switch to the calendar view

  2. Select New Teams Meeting at the top of the view

  3. Add your invitees to the Required - put your email address in here

  4. Add your meeting subject, location (if applicable), start time, and end time

  5. Copy the meeting invite link from the body of the message, example:

  6. Go to the BU Information Query, create a new email to your student list, paste the meeting link information in the message and click Send

  7. The meeting link can be used over and over again

Option 3: - modification of Option 2 - post your meeting link in a Team channel

  1. If you created a Team for your class; make a meeting link like in Option 2
  2. Instead of posting it on the BU Information Query, post it in the "General" channel of your Class team. You and your students can click the link in the channel each class to join the meeting

Option 4: using a Class Team - do not need to create a link in Outlook

  1. If you created a Team for your class, ask the class to sign into Teams
  2. Let the students know the class will take place in the Class Team
  3. At the start of Class, the instructor can click on "Meet" at the top right-hand area of the screen to start the class meeting

  4. Once a meeting is started, the students will see a "Join" meeting button in the message posts
  5. The student click the "Join" button to join the class