This article outlines the required steps for BU Windows 10 computers to be able and view HEIC (picture) and HEVC (video) file formats. These files will have either '.heic' or '.hevc' at the end of the file's name.

The file formats above are the standard form that newer Apple iOS devices (iPhones and iPads) are saving and sharing photos and videos. It is a newer multimedia file standard that is intended to be adopted long term by multiple vendors. However Windows 10 computers may not have all the needed software.  

Two main approaches if a Windows 10 machine cannot show the content:

  • Have the person sending the pictures or video, re-send the content in either .jpeg (pictures) or .mp4 (video) file format
  • On the Windows machine trying to open the files, Install the missing components for full compatibility for .heic and .hevc files  

For the secondary approach, please follow the steps to install the "HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer"

1) Open a web browser (MS Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox), and then copy the following text and place it in the address bar and press Enter:      ms-windows-store://pdp/?ProductId=9n4wgh0z6vhq 

2) A box should appear, click open to continue


2) You should see a screen, with an install button at the upper-right corner. Click on the "Install" Button.

3) You will be prompted to enter a Microsoft account to continue. Simply click on the Cancel button to close the dialog, and then you should still see the install progress bar still progress. 

The installation should then complete, and double clicking on the file should show the content.  You can verify needed software is installed by visiting the link in step 1 again, and then see the message at the top the product is installed.