BU Self-Service Password Recovery is used to personally recover your password, in situations that you have forgotten your old password or are unable to sign in with your password. You need to complete these steps in order to use the Password Recovery system.

  • For additional protection, we require BU Students, Alumni, & Retirees users to undertake Multi-Factor Authentication. Staff should already have MFA configured using Duo.  It protects your BU Account from being accessed by entities that you may have mistakenly given you password out to.  A link to its setup steps can be found at the bottom of this guide. 

Self-Service Password Recovery Setup:

1) First open an internet browser and visit:  https://portal.brandonu.ca or https://login.microsoftonline.com

2) Enter your BU Email Address and BU Password and click "Sign In"

3) Click on (1.) your Profile Name/icon in the bottom left corner and (2.) choose "View Account" (Note this may be on the top right corner on some screens)

4) On the next screen choose "Security Info"

5) Confirm your current BU Password again (if required). Then click on "Add Sign In Method"

6) Now you'll be presented with the choices of adding a secondary approval method when recovering your password. 

  • You can choose to setup and use either just one of these options, or several. At least one *BU supported approval method needs to be entered onto your account.
  • It is recommended to setup at least two (2) verification methods from the list. 
  • Follow the instructions shown on the screen until adding the method is completed. Adding some methods will ask you to confirm via a code sent by email or text. *NOTE: we currently only allow App codes, mobile phone, email, and security questions to be used for password recovery even though other options such as "office phone" are available for basic 365 sign-in authentication


If you were to return to this page at a later time, then you can modify or update the information (if you have a new phone or a different email to use). 

Note: The next time you return to this page you may be asked to confirm access via the secondary approval method, so have the access means on hand.

Congratulations! You are finished the Self-Service Password Recovery Setup steps.   


For info on setting up your BU Account with Multifactor Authentication, please visit here:  Student, Alumni & Retirees MFA (Azure MFA)